Sunday Service
Our Center is a community of happy loving people who welcome and value everyone
Foothill Center for Spiritual Living, Auburn is a New Thought community dedicated to prosperous living through spiritual awareness of our perfect health, perfect wealth and perfect happiness.

Sundays at 10:00 a.m
At 10:00 we offer a 15-minute guided meditation, led by one of our Practitioners. It is an opportunity to settle, become quiet and return to center.

Celebration Service
Sundays at 10:30 a.m
Our Celebration Service begins at 10:30. We create a heart-opening experience of inner connection and inspiration; including live music and sacred sing-alongs from awesome local musicians, a motivating talk/lesson relevant to practical spirituality, contemplative prayer time and joyful fellowship after service.
Sunday Talks
The Sunday speakers feature the Senior Ministers of FCSL and guest speakers with a Science of Mind / New Thought philosophy and even Matthew Fox and Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. have been guests.
Our Location
Sunday Service held in the Lakeside Room/Regional Park
3770 Richardson Dr., Auburn, CA 95602
get directions
Mailing Address:
PO Box 7634, Auburn, CA 95604